
HD Metal Prints

Metal prints produce deeply saturated, highly intense images.  Unlike Pigment Prints, Dye Sublimated prints are produced on specially coated Aluminum.  The image is printed onto a sheet of paper and then it is transferred from the paper to the specially coated substrate through a process of heat and pressure until it is infused into the surface.  What you are left with is a highly vibrant and clear, high resolution HD Metal print.

We offer these finishes: White Gloss, Semi Gloss, Clear Gloss and Matte in sizes from 8”x10” to 30”x40”.


Not only will your prints be stunning, but HD Metal Prints are more archival than other print medium.

As a result of the sublimation process the images are more durable and scratch resistant.

These prints are very light and can be displayed in the home or outside.

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